Skydiving, Arizona style

Our First Skydive! February 28, 1999
You see kids, in Arizona you can jump 12 months a year!
This is the Greatest experience you can have.
The closest to true freedom a human can get.
Geno(me), Chris And Wade
Chris, Wade, and I Wait for our turn for Death Defiance!
Does Chris have wood?

Chris and I go first!

The Plane, The plane!
Chris and I walk over to board the plane.

Geno falling from the Sky!
I scream, "Yahoo!"

Me coming in for the landing
I'm On the approach, Landing Gear is down.

Me back on the ground
Touchdown! I am the First one down.
My butt's sore.

Chris close behind me yells "I'm Flying, I'm Flying!"

Chris in the air
Chris says, "This is Great!

Chris coming in for the landing
Chris, Who didn't pay attention during the lesson,
puts his landing gear only part way down.

Chris back on the ground
Chris yells, "Ouch! My balls!"

Chris and I Walk back finnaly Real Men
We congratulate each other in the traditional
Male ways as we walk off the Drop Zone.

The plane Wade went up on
Wade boards the plane for his turn.

Wade in the air
Wade says, "I think I loaded my pants!"

Wade coming in for the landing
Wade screams, "Hell Yeah!"

Wade back on the ground
Smash! Wade contacts the ground.

We again celebrate a Male triumph.