Where I Worked once

I worked at Advanced MicroSystems as a Design Engineer for a couple of years. My former boss, Mike Speelman, was a lot of fun to work with. We mostly designed and redesigned Distance Measuring Instruments (DMI) for vehicle use, but work on about any project we could fit into our schedule. I loved my job even though it occupied most of my time.

Mike did most of the hardware design while I did most of the software design for the company. Here is a picture of Mike and me in our lab. We took this picture with an Apple digital camera. We set it on the shelf and set the timer. It didn't turn out too bad!

Mike and I are still pretty close. Mike was more than a boss, he was a dear friend - and still is.

Make sure to check out his Web site. Employees section.

Here is another picture of our lab. Me, hard at work!