My Sister and Family

Melissa Eric and 
My sister Melissa, her husband Eric my niece Taylor. Elyssa was not born when this photo was taken.

Taylor newborn
Taylor Abigail -- born June 3rd 1994. Taylor was stubborn to enter this world. She took over 30 hours! When she finally came, I think the staff at the hospital was more relieved than we were. After all, there were at one point over 20 of us at the hospital waiting for Taylor to make her first appearance.

Elyssa newborn
Elyssa Baylee -- born July 29 1997. Elyssa came much faster. In fact, It happened so fast that I arrived at the Hospital 10 minutes after she was born.

Taylor about 2 months old. Isn't she adorable. I'm not just a proud uncle, I am Taylor's GodFather (Don Geno).

Taylor at 5 months