Michael's Take Out Crew

The Fam
The Michael's Take Out Crew. Pap (Gene) center, Mom (Vera) right, Dad (Rob Sr) right, Sister (Melissa) back center, Brother (Robbie) back center, Aunt (Cart) left, and Aunt (Ellie) back left.

Mom & Dad
Mom & Dad stand in their restaurant in Uniontown Pennsylvania.

Mom and Dad bought Michael's in 88 while I was in the Navy. This will explain why I am not in many pictures with them.

Mom & Me
Mom cooking up something good while I was home on leave.

Mom on the phone
Mom hard at work --- or is it hard at play.

Dad & Vicki
Dad always has his coffee ... Vicki (a friend) wanders why she associates with us. Vicki's Mom Sil (photo unavailable) helps out a lot at the restaurant.

Pap, about to light a stogie, discusses what songs he would like to hear on the jukebox with Aunt Cart.

Even the Beer Cooler gets decorated for Christmas at Michael's.

Mom & Cart
Mom and Cart take a moment to pose for the camera while baking delicious things in the kitchen.

Back Room
The back room looks nice for Christmas and with 2 TVs we wont miss any Football action over the holidays.

Mom looks like she just got the mail. What's this! Sprite instead of coffee! ... Look closely at our horse in the background. See.. I do so own a horse... Well, not any more.

Dad looks like he is hunting for a telephone number...

Mom hanging ribbons
Mom started Love From Home support group for guys in Desert Shied/Storm. They hung Yellow Ribbons around town, helped get the American People to stand behind their GIs, and sent us (GIs) countless letters & care packages. On behalf of the Armed Services, We salute you all.

Dad hanging ribbons
Dad lends a hand. Being a Vietnam Vet, he fully understood the significance of L.F.H.

Mom had no doubts that we would kick iraq's butt. (not a capitalization error, iraq doesn't deserve to be capitalized.)

Mom at support group
Mom and friends rally for support of our troops.